One of my favorite journalists, mentioned a Green Police advertisement from the superbowl and provided a link
When I clicked on it I saw the above video
The Cheap Trick song is awesome
The anteater is awesome
The idea of environmental police intruding on people's personal lives is funny. But it is also making fun of environmentalists.
I hate when environmentalists lecture people about what they should do. I believe that if something is
people will do it
I think the people who like this commercial the most are people who already make fun of environmentalists.

I think in that sense the ad can be harmful. All of the green things enforced by the green police are good things to do. But if the ad encourages making fun of environmentalists more than it encourages protection of the environment it is a negative thing. Just because I think this doesn't mean I don't think it is a funny commercial.
I just don't think it is worth it in the grand scheme of things to make fun of green habits by having police satirically arrest people for having incandescent light bulbs.
How is this cool to my environmental friends. The same ones who support a ban on incandescent light bulbs??
A hilarious ad making fun of environmentalists is not good in my book since I am an environmentalist.
Also Green Car of the Year? According to GREENCARS.COM
I'd go by GREENERCARS.ORG pictured above, (double click to enlarge)
If you want an example of environmentally-related satire that I think is funny and I like, look no further than Dwight K. Schrute's RECYCLOPS!